
SRU 31st Annual Meeting (Streaming Online & USB Flash Drive)

The Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU) has promoted the science, practice and teaching of sonography for over three decades. Its 31st Annual Meeting, features nearly eighty expert faculty members providing a detailed update and review of all facets of ultrasound. As such, this activity is an essential resource for all that are interested in this constantly evolving modality. Its content will help radiologists maintain their leadership in clinical ultrasound imaging, by providing ins...
Meetings By Mail®

Heart or Lung Conundrums: Unleash Your Diagnostic Skills

Did you know that shortness of breath, difficulty exercising, fatigue, and cold hands and feet could indicate a serious health concern? When your patients present with these symptoms, could it be indicating a more serious heart or lung disease? Put your skills to the test! In just 15 minutes, navigate through real-world cases to see if you can correctly diagnose each patient. Diagnostic conclusions are revealed after reviewing all cases. Hear faculty insights on the implications of learner dec...

Cleveland Clinic 25th Valve Disease, Structural Interventions & Diastology Summit (Online & USB Flash Drive)

Cleveland Clinic celebrates its silver anniversary with the 25th Valve Disease, Structural Interventions and Diastology Summit. This activity provides a comprehensive educational experience for all who diagnose and treat valve disease. A renowned faculty focuses on the mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves, with newest techniques and strategies for imaging and intervention. Worth up to 15 AMA PRA Category I Credits™, this enduring material meets Echo Lab CME requirements. Additionally, phys...
Meetings By Mail®

Imaging the Acute & Critical Patient

Expedient and accurate radiologic triage is paramount in formulating treatment plans in time-sensitive scenarios, whether a patient presenting with an acute abdomen, acute stroke or the deteriorating patient in the ICU. Treatment paradigms rely heavily if not exclusively on the radiologist’s interpretation. Our distinguished faculty will provide a variety of didactic lectures and case-based presentations with disease-specific approach that includes musculoskeletal, GI/GU, chest, body, pediat...

Penn Radiology Astute Body and MSK Imaging

Astute Body and MSK Imaging features a detailed analysis of abdominal, pelvic and musculoskeletal radiologic subspecialties. Expert faculty from Penn Radiology and other esteemed institutions focus on practical, evidence based information to build interpretive skills and diagnostic confidence. The didactic presentations and case reviews throughout this activity emphasize modality advances and protocol selection. Radiologists of all experience levels will benefit from this thoughtful update ...
Meetings By Mail®

Cleveland Clinic Ultrasound Course: Integrating POCUS Into Your Practice (Streaming Online & USB Flash Drive)

The Cleveland Clinic Ultrasound Course: Integrating POCUS Into Your Practice will provide physicians, nurses and physician assistants with foundational skills and state-of-the-art techniques for diagnosis and guiding procedures for point of care ultrasound. The lessons taught throughout this activity can be easily incorporated into current practices to immediately enhance patient care. More than 20 experts from Cleveland Clinic provide a didactic primer and workshops that will rapidly develo...
Meetings By Mail®

Clinical Competence in Breast Imaging, Interventions and Management

Clinical Competence in Breast Imaging, Interventions and Management provides a complete tutorial in all modalities, diagnostic strategies and interventional considerations encountered in the modern breast imaging practice. Its fifty cases allow the participant to explore a wide range of benign and malignant disease, with special focus placed on the variety of presentations and patterns of enhancement observed on mammogram, ultrasound, MRI and tomosynthesis. This activity also expounds on the...
Meetings By Mail®

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