
Included In:
Audio Basic Professional

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Principles for Working with Bilingual Children

6.0 Hours

Course Description

This course meets ASHA's DEI PD requirement.

This course presents cultural and linguistic considerations in assessment and intervention of bilingual preschool and early school age children at different levels of bilingualism with a focus on Spanish-speaking children with language impairments. Attendees evaluate cultural considerations that impact language assessment and compare the different techniques for assessing children.  Attendees also discuss case studies and intervention goals.

All courses included for $189 / Year


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Evaluate cultural considerations that impact language assessment across cultures.
Compare the different techniques for assessing children used to look for converging evidence for language disorders.
Discuss case studies and review intervention goals for each case.
Discuss language specific vs. global language goals in setting priorities in intervention.
Discuss case studies and review intervention goals for each case.

About Presenters

Maria Adalaida Restrepo


Maria Adelaida Restrepo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science at Arizona State University. She is the director of the Bilingual Language and Literacy Laboratory at ASU; the main mission at the lab is to research best language assessment and intervention practices for bilingual children. She specializes in oral language and emergent literacy development and in prevention of academic difficulties in bilingual children. She is a bilingual speech-language pathologist who has had ongoing funding for at least 10 years in projects building oral language and literacy in preschool and kindergarten children who speak Spanish as their native language. Interventions include direct instruction and teacher professional development programs. She is also funded to develop a language screener for Spanish-speaking children. She is a former associate editor for Language, Speech and Hearing Services in the Schools (2007-2009), and reviews and publishes in a variety of journals in English and Spanish. She is a certified member of the American Speech Language and Hearing Association.

Additional Information

Intermediate Level
0.60 ASHA CEUs

ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products or clinical procedures.

Course Timeline

90 min: Cultural characteristics and bilingual language considerations in assessment and intervention.
90 min: Assessment practices with a focus on Spanish-English bilinguals
90 min: Intervention principles from global to local from local to global language skills
90 min: Continued discussion regarding intervention

Course Disclosure

The content of this course is based on the research and experience of the presenter. You are responsible to do your own research to determine if the information and skills taught are appropriate for your clients/students/patients.
Disclosure Statement for Maria Adalaida Restrepo
Financial Maria Adelaida Restrepo received compensation for this presentation from SpeechTherapyPD.com.
Nonfinancial No relevant non-financial relationships exist.

Maria Adalaida Restrepo


Included In:
Audio Basic Professional

Purchase this course for $169.99