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Speech Therapy Professional Development

It's a Family Affair: Social Communication in Children with ASD - Amy Donaldson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

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Overview / Abstract:

Improving social communication skills of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is often the focus of intervention. However, generalization of skills can be a challenge. Recently, two intervention methods for targeting social communication have been found efficacious: peer-mediated intervention and video modeling. At PSU's Speech, Language & Hearing clinic we have been combining these methods to create a 'hybrid' social communication intervention, where the sibling of the child with ASD serves as the 'peer'. As such, this presentation will focus on the following: 1) discussion of social communication skills, particularly related to ASD; 2) examination of sibling-mediated intervention; and 3) examination of video modeling. Review of empirical evidence, as well as clinical application will be emphasized.


Dec 31, 2027


Occupational Therapy CE, Speech Language Pathology CE


Online, Webinar / Webcast / Video



Credits / Hours

3 hours



Presenters / Authors / Faculty

Amy Donaldson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Sponsors / Supporters / Grant Providers

Video Continuing Education LLC

Keywords / Search Terms

Speech Therapy, ASHA CEU, Speech Pathology, AOTA, Occupational Therapy, Language and Hearing,

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