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Meetings By Mail®

Cleveland Clinic Thyroid Expo (Online Streaming On Demand)

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Overview / Abstract:

he Cleveland Clinic Thyroid Expo provides an updated review of the many multidisciplinary guidelines for the treatment of thyroid disorders. An expert faculty addresses topics such as molecular applications in thyroid neoplasia, cancer care, practical management tips and advances in laboratory testing. It focuses on new technologies in thyroid surgery, with a goal of increasing competence and clinical performance in managing routine and complex patient cases.

Worth 5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, this activity is essential for all physicians, nurses and physician assistants involved in the care of patients with thyroid disease, including those in primary care, endocrinology, surgery, pathology, genetics, immunology and oncology. ANCC and AAPA accreditation also provided with NO POST TEST. Additionally, physicians can earn up to 5 points for ABIM MOC and ABS continuous certification.

Topics include: Thyroid nodules, neoplasms and cytopathology, thyroid cancer management and therapy, thyroid eye disease, surgical technologies, case discussions and much more!


Jun 09, 2026


Nurse Practitioner , Nursing CNE, Physician CME, Physician Assistant CME, Surgical Technology CE





Credits / Hours

5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s), applicable for ABIM and ABS MOC.



Presenters / Authors / Faculty

Activity Co-Directors
Ossama Lashin, MD, PhD
Medical Director, Thyroid Center
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Joyce Shin, MD
Surgical Director, Thyroid Center
Associate Professor of Surgery
Center for Endocrine Surgery
Cleveland Clinic Faculty
Eren Berber, MD, MBA
Director of Adrenal & Neuroendocrine Center
Center for Endocrine Surgery
Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Jessica Colón-Franco, PhD, DABCC
Section Head, Clinical Biochemistry
Department of Laboratory Medicine
Lea El Hage, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
Staff physician
Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Tarik M. Elsheikh, MD
Department of Pathology
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Institute
Jessica Geiger, MD
Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology
Allan Siperstein, MD
Department Chair
Center for Endocrine Surgery
Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Guest Faculty
Terry J. Smith, MD
Frederick G.L. Huetwell Professor Emeritus
Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Professor of Internal Medicine
University of Michigan Medical School
R. Michael Tuttle, MD
Chief, Endocrinology Service
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Keywords / Search Terms

Meetings By Mail® Meetings By Mail®, Cleveland Clinic, CCF, CME, thyroid, thyroidology, expo, ABIM, ABS, MOC, Savarese, Thyroid nodules, neoplasms and cytopathology, thyroid cancer management and therapy, thyroid eye disease, surgical technologies, case discussions, Lashin, neoplasia, cancer care, practical management, advances in laboratory testing, new technologies, thyroid surgery

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