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Meetings By Mail®

Practical Mastery of Musculoskeletal Imaging (Streaming Online & USB Flash Drive)

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Overview / Abstract:

Practical Mastery of Musculoskeletal Imaging is a comprehensive, case based review designed to optimize the radiologic assessment of bone, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Course Director Geoffrey Riley, M.D. demonstrates detailed strategies to efficiently analyze injury and disease throughout the musculoskeletal system. The systematic evaluation methods shared and applied throughout hundreds of cases in this activity will sharpen the musculoskeletal focus of any radiologist, resident or fellow. Worth 15 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™.

Topics include: Knee, shoulder, foot, ankle, spine, hop, elbow, wrist, hand, fingers, brachial plexus, temporal mandibular joint, tumors, infections and much more.

Available in streaming and USB Flash Drive formats!


Sep 09, 2027


Physician CME, Radiology / RAD Tech CE





Credits / Hours



ACCME-- accredited by Global Education Group

Presenters / Authors / Faculty

Course Director:
Geoffrey Riley, M.D.

Keywords / Search Terms

Meetings By Mail® Meetings By Mail, Helms, Riley, MSK, MRI, MR, musculoskeletal, magnetic resonance, elbow, knee, hip, pelvis, foot, ankle, wrist, spine, shoulder, Savarese, CME, ABR, SAM, MOC, tumor, infection, brachial plexus, TMJ, on demand, streaming, ACR, case review, tendon, muscle, joint, bone

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