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Recognize and Respond: Developing Tailored Communications With Parents To Improve Pediatric Vaccination Coverage

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Overview / Abstract:

Pediatric vaccination rates have been declining in recent years. A relatively small percentage of people take a strict anti-vaccination stance regardless of evidence or scientific consensus, but other individuals, classified as “vaccine-hesitant,” are moving toward anti-vaccination, or “vaccine refusal” practices for a variety of reasons, including aggressive misinformation campaigns, lack of understanding of vaccines, distrust of healthcare, and safety concerns. For clinicians, the circumstances are frustrating and the limited amount of time available to spend with patients and parents makes effectively addressing concerns or mitigating distrust difficult.

Given the present landscape, this activity will help clinicians efficiently establish translational practices considerate of the psychological and sociological evidence that underlies pediatric vaccine hesitancy in parents. Watch videos depicting typical conversations between parents and clinicians to learn strategies for addressing vaccine-hesitant parents, and access a range of training materials and resources designed to improve clinical competency in engaging parents in nuanced ways. Reasons for vaccine hesitancy and motivators for change differ among individuals. Find out how to address parents according to their specific questions and concerns to provide the best care possible for your most vulnerable patients today!


Dec 13, 2025


Nurse Practitioner , Nursing CNE, Pharmacy CPE, Physician CME, Physician Assistant CME



Credits / Hours




Presenters / Authors / Faculty

Infectious Diseases Attending Physician
Medical Director, International Patient and Destination Services Program
President, Lurie Medical/Dental Staff
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
Professor of Pediatrics
Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University
President-Elect, Infectious Diseases Society of America
Chicago, IL

Sponsors / Supporters / Grant Providers

Provided by the Academy for Continued Healthcare Learning (ACHL).
Supported by an educational grant from Merck & Co., Inc.

Keywords / Search Terms

ACHL Vaccines, pediatric vaccines, pediatric immunizations, vaccination rates, vaccine counseling, vaccine communication strategies, vaccine hesitancy, vaccine refusal, interactive practice guide, childhood vaccination, immunization, Tina Tan, motivational interviewing, Free CE CME

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