
Using Free Google Tools to Increase Motivation and Achievement - Sarah James, MS, CCC-SLP

Efficient and effective use of Free Google Tools to increase student motivation and achievement!! This fast-paced session will provide a concise overview of SLP user-friendly and high impact Free Google Tools. Specific tools include: Search, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Voice, Maps, Earth and YouTube.
Speech Therapy Professional Development

Therapy Tidbits Fall 2020

Therapy Tidbits – Fall 2020 is a 1-hour online continuing education (CE) course comprised of select articles from the Winter 2020 issue of The National Psychologist, a private, independent, quarterly newspaper intended to keep psychologists informed about practice issues. The articles included in this course are: Stress for Psychologists Piles up During Pandemic – Highlights the ways in which the pandemic has affected psychologists and stresses the importance of caring for oneself. Sex...
Professional Development Resources

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