Advising Parents on Complementary Feeding and Food Allergy Prevention
Complementary feeding can be a stressful period for caregivers of infants, with confusing and often conflicting guidance regarding best practices. This education begins with an overview of current recommendations for complementary feeding before focusing on early allergen introduction between 4 and 6 months of age. The data supporting early allergen introduction are reviewed along with current r...
Applying New Learnings on Human Milk Composition to Clinical Practice in the NICU
During this presentation, expert faculty provide an overview of recent updates to neonatal nutrition guidelines, with an emphasis on the differences from prior editions. You will then learn about the importance of optimizing nutrition in preterm infants and the benefits of an evidence-based approach to human milk fortification. A variety of strategies for achieving these goals will be reviewed, ...
Emerging Developments in Human Milk Fortification: Problem Solving for Clinical Practice
Human milk science is evolving at a rapid pace, shaping neonatal nutrition practices significantly. Nonetheless, optimizing growth and development in the NICU remains a challenge. Ariel Salas, MD, MSPH, and Brian Stansfield, MD, are leaders in human milk research, as well as in the clinical application of these findings. In a solutions-based presentation, Drs. Salas and Stansfield present recent...
Exploring the Connection Between the Microbiome and Allergy Development
Jenifer R. Lightdale, MD, MPH, introduces the role of the gut microbiome in immune system development and allergen sensitization. She briefly reviews the epidemiology, diagnosis, and management of cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA), with a focus on the latest guidelines and recommendations for reintroduction. Dr. Lightdale builds upon these topics by discussing the evidence supporting probiotic...
Optimizing Early Nutrition for Long-Term Benefits
Sharon Donovan, PhD, RD, and Michael Georgieff, MD, review what is currently known about the influence of nutrition during the first 1,000 days of growth and development. Human milk"the model for optimal nutrition"is discussed, including its nutritive and nonnutritive components, how it functions as a dynamic biological system, and the latest breastfeeding guidelines. The implications ...
Supporting Neurodevelopment With Brain-Building Nutrition
The brain is one of the fastest growing organs in infants; by the time infants reach 2 years of age, the brain has nearly doubled in size. During this period of time, neurons proliferate, synapses form, and nerve fibers are myelinated"all processes that require support with optimal nutrition. This material reviews the latest learnings on the ways in which nutrition can influence neurodevelo...