Understanding Cholesterol Guidelines and Implementing Non-statins in High-Risk Populations: Paired Conversations and Case Vignettes
An interprofessional faculty of primary care and specialty clinicians discuss real-world issues in managing patients with complex and challenging dyslipidemia, including elevated lipoprotein a (Lp(a)). Several paired conversations serve as the foundation for discussions related to recent cholesterol guidelines, patient risk stratification, and recommended goals for patients at risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Two case vignettes provide the basis for robust discussion among the f... |
Clinical Questions in Cardiology: Using Glucagon-like Peptite-1 Receptor Agonists
The glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1RA) class of medications has become an important option for treating patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D). Cardiovascular outcome trials also show that selected GLP-1RAs exert beneficial cardiovascular benefits in patients with and without T2D. In this activity, case studies commonly encountered in cardiology practice are utilized to prompt reflection on opportunities for reducing cardiovascular risk. Drawing on seminal research and th... |
Elevating Patient Care: Early Detection and Evidence-based Pharmacotherapy for Postpartum Depression in Primary Care
Postpartum depression, or depression in women within 12 months of giving birth, is common. It affects one-quarter of these women, which is why current recommendations are to begin screening for depression during pregnancy. Left un- and under-treated, the mother, newborn, and family are at risk for relationship problems, psychiatric illness, and other consequences. In this 1-hour, case-based activity, developed by family medicine and mental health clinicians, team-based screening recommendation... |
Managing Patients With Neurotrophic Keratitis: Improve outcomes through recognition, applying updated staging, evidence-based treatment, and team-based follow-up
The treatment of patients with neurotrophic keratitis, a rare disease of the eye that can lead to blindness, has evolved beyond treating symptoms to treatment that targets the root cause of the disease " nerve damage. Thus, early diagnosis is critical. The interprofessional faculty share their real-world experience as they discuss the etiology, diagnosis, staging, and treatment of patients with neurotrophic keratitis. In addition to an overview of symptomatic care and emerging treatments,... |