Updates on Pain Review: Conversations with the Experts - Introduction to Regenerative Medicine, Osteoarthritis & Cartilage Health Regenerative Medical Therapies
Learning Objectives:
Describe the role of subchondral bone marrow in cartilage health.
Describe the catabolic role of local anesthetics.
Explain the role of chondrocytes in cartilage health.
Describe the catabolic role of corticosteroids.
Describe the role of regenerative medicine for orthopedic conditions.
When preparing to take the pain board examination, both for initial certification and for recertification, there is a dearth of comprehensive educational programming. The Updates ... |
Updates on Pain Review: Conversations with the Experts - Steroids, Anti-Depressants, and Anti-Convulsants
Learning Objectives:
Review contraindications to therapy.
Present a framework for best choices based on goals and patient physiology.
Review the pharmacology and physiology of antidepressants.
Review the pharmacology and physiology of steroid medication.
Review the pharmacology and physiology of anticonvulsants.
When preparing to take the pain board examination, both for initial certification and for recertification, there is a dearth of comprehensive educational programming. The Upd... |
Elevating Patient Care: Early Detection and Evidence-based Pharmacotherapy for Postpartum Depression in Primary Care
Postpartum depression, or depression in women within 12 months of giving birth, is common. It affects one-quarter of these women, which is why current recommendations are to begin screening for depression during pregnancy. Left un- and under-treated, the mother, newborn, and family are at risk for relationship problems, psychiatric illness, and other consequences. In this 1-hour, case-based activity, developed by family medicine and mental health clinicians, team-based screening recommendation... |