Diabetes Mellitus: Management of Diabetes

This Management of Diabetes online nursing course focuses on controlling diabetes through nutrition, exercise, medication, and monitorning blood glucose. After completing this course, healthcare professionals will be able to identify the guidelines for nutritional management, list the benefits and risks of exercise, and identify the various types of insulin.

Diabetes Mellitus Fundamentals: A Review and Current Update

The Diabetes Mellitus Fundamentals online course is a review of the basic information on the physiology and signs and symptoms of diabetes. It also contains updated resources and research on new findings related to DMT1 and DMT2. Participants will be able to indentify diabetes risk factors and discuss insulin and other methods of controlling diabetes.

Autism Movement Therapy

Autism Movement Therapy® is an emerging therapy that combines movement and music with positive behavior support strategies to assist individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in meeting and achieving their speech and language, social and academic goals. Its purpose is to connect left and right hemisphere brain functioning by combining patterning, visual movement calculation, audile receptive processing, rhythm and sequencing into a “whole brain” cognitive thinking approach that can ...
Professional Development Resources

Nursing and Nutrition: Providing Survival Skills

Nursing and Nutrition: Providing Survival Skills is designed to help nurses provide basic nutritional guidelines for hospitalized patients. Upon completing this course, they will be able to guide patients to a healthy lifestyle that will aid in their recovery. The course includes food do's and dont's as related to specific issues, such as heart failure, cancer treatment, wound care, etc.

Secrets of Egypt & the Nile: Joint Medical/Dental Symposium Confronting Healthcare Needs

Uncover Egypt’s ancient secrets with PES for 11 nights on this bucket list adventure! Visit iconic landmarks, temples, and monuments and cruise the Nile in a manner once reserved for pharaohs aboard the luxurious, 72-guest AmaDahlia. Joint Medical/Dental Symposium Confronting Healthcare Needs CME/CE Lecture Seminars for Medical, Dental, Nursing, and Allied Healthcare Professionals This Seminar is planned for 14 Continuing Education Credit Hours. CME/CE Professional Seminar Fee:...
Professional Education Society

Cleveland Clinic 16th Annual Obesity Summit

Cleveland Clinic’s 16th Annual Obesity Summit features a diverse mix of faculty experts discussing innovative solutions and new strategies for diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease management. Dedicated sessions highlight the causes of obesity and diabetes, preventive strategies and therapeutic management approaches. Healthcare practitioners including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, dieticians and therapists throughout many specialties can all benefit from the ...
Meetings By Mail®

Improving Selection and Utilization of Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) for People with Diabetes

Self-monitoring of blood glucose (BG) levels is critical to daily self-management for people with diabetes. Studies have shown that intensive insulin regimens and BG control corresponded with better glycemic control have resulted in a significant decrease in the microvascular complications of diabetes. Because CGM is still an evolving technology, both clinicians and patients would benefit from engaging, interactive, and evidence-based education to improve the utilization of these tools. 

Biology of Aging: Research Today for a Healthier Tomorrow

What is aging? Can we live long and live well—and are they the same thing? Is aging in our genes? How does our metabolism relate to aging? Can your immune system still defend you as you age? Since the National Institute on Aging was established in 1974, scientists asking just such questions have learned a great deal about the processes associated with the biology of aging. Technology today supports research that years ago would have seemed possible only in a science fiction novel. This cours...
Professional Development Resources

Applying New Learnings on Human Milk Composition to Clinical Practice in the NICU

During this presentation, expert faculty provide an overview of recent updates to neonatal nutrition guidelines, with an emphasis on the differences from prior editions. You will then learn about the importance of optimizing nutrition in preterm infants and the benefits of an evidence-based approach to human milk fortification. A variety of strategies for achieving these goals will be reviewed, including individualized supplementation of select macro- and micronutrients.
Annenberg Center for Health Sciences

Cleveland Clinic 27th Annual Diabetes Therapeutics, Technology and Surgery (Online Streaming On Demand)

For over a quarter century, Cleveland Clinic has been at the forefront of continuing education regarding the treatment and management of diabetes. Its world class faculty has designed the 27th Annual Diabetes Therapeutics, Technology and Surgery to provide up-to-date reviews of strategies and research relevant to this disease and its complications. The goal of this activity is to increase practitioners’ competence and clinical performance in the management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. A...
Meetings By Mail®

Optimizing Early Nutrition for Long-Term Benefits

Sharon Donovan, PhD, RD, and Michael Georgieff, MD, review what is currently known about the influence of nutrition during the first 1,000 days of growth and development. Human milk"the model for optimal nutrition"is discussed, including its nutritive and nonnutritive components, how it functions as a dynamic biological system, and the latest breastfeeding guidelines. The implications of suboptimal early nutrition are addressed, along with the role of pediatric clinicians in providin...
Annenberg Center for Health Sciences

Caffeine and Health

Caffeine is a rapidly absorbed organic compound that acts as a stimulant in the human body. The average amount of caffeine consumed in the US is approximately 300 mg per person per day - the equivalent to between two and four cups of coffee - with coffee accounting for about three-fourths of the caffeine that is consumed in the American diet. This is considered to be a moderate caffeine intake, which, according to many studies, can promote a variety of health benefits. But some studies clai...
Professional Development Resources

Dysphagia: The Team Approach to Best Practice

Dysphagia: The Team Approach to Best Practice is a 1-hour online continuing education (CE) course that focuses on the interdisciplinary team approach to identifying, treating and managing dysphagia. Dysphagia is a wide spread problem in the elderly, with many going untreated. Older adults are at an increased risk due to having many factors that lead to swallowing difficulties. Some of these are a diagnosis of stroke, dementia, pneumonia and Parkinson’s disease. Many have generalized weakn...
Professional Development Resources

Why Diets Fail: The Myth of Willpower

Why Diets Fail: The Myth of Willpower is a 1-hour audio continuing education (CE) course that explains why diets fail and provides strategies for what does work. Clinicians continue to recommend diets to their patients, even though diets don’t lead to long-term weight loss. In this course, Dr. Mann will describe the evidence on why diets don’t work in the long term, give the biological reasons why diets fail, explain why willpower is not the problem, and then give strategies for healthy ea...
Professional Development Resources

Finding Happiness: Positive Interventions in Therapy

Drawing on the latest research, this course will explore the concept of happiness, from common myths to the overriding factors that directly increase our feelings of contentment. We will start with a discussion on why you, the clinician, need to know about happiness and how this information can help in your work with clients. We will then uncover mistakes we make when trying to attain happiness and look carefully at the actions we take and the beliefs that do not just obfuscate our happiness e...
Professional Development Resources

Nutrition and Depression: Advanced Clinical Concepts

Depression is an increasingly common, complex, inflammatory condition that co-occurs with a host of other conditions. This course will examine how we can combat depression through nutrition, starting with an exploration of the etiology of depression –taking a look at the role of neurotransmitters, the HPA axis and cortisol, gene expression (epigenetics), upregulation and downregulation, and the connections between depression and immunity and depression and obesity.We will then turn our atte...
Professional Development Resources

Grief: The Reaction to Loss

Grief: The Reaction to Loss is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that teaches healthcare professionals how to recognize and respond to grief. Grief is the reaction to loss. People grieve for the loss of someone they love, but they also grieve for the loss of independence, usefulness, cognitive functioning, and physical abilities. Grief is also a lifelong process: a journey rather than a disease that is cured. It changes over time to deal with different kinds of losses. It...
Professional Development Resources

Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness

Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that explores the stigmas around mental illness and provides effective strategies to overcome them. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines mental illness stigma as “a range of negative attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors about mental and substance use disorders.” Mental health and substance use disorders are prevalent and among the most highly stigmatized...
Professional Development Resources

Spirituality & Aging

Spirituality & Aging is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that offers an insight into how spirituality influences the lives of elders in our care. Spirituality and religious beliefs provide coping mechanisms for issues related to aging and have been proven to have a protective factor. Elders with higher levels of spirituality have better mental and physical health, and are less anxious about aging. This course provides an accessible tool kit for healthcare professiona...
Professional Development Resources

Motivation: Igniting the Process of Change

Motivation: Igniting the Process of Change is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that explores the question: how do we tap into, ignite and harness our motivation? We will begin with a discussion about why clinicians need to know this information and how this information can be helpful in working with clients. Next, we will look at the research behind motivation, decipher between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, and explore the roots of what keeps us motivated now,...
Professional Development Resources

Supportive Communication for the Child with Special Needs

Supportive Communication for the Child with Special Needs is a 1-hour audio continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides practical tips for helping parents to communicate with their child who has special needs. Parenting a child with special needs comes with many challenges. Parents are often under pressure, not knowing what to expect or how to react and manage the behaviors their child may present. Children who have supportive and caring parents who understand their needs generally e...
Professional Development Resources

Ethics in Nutrition & Dietetics

Ethics in Nutrition & Dietetics is a 1-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that addresses the ethics of practice in nutrition and dietetics with the latest Code of Ethics from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Ethical practice is a requirement and a duty of all health professionals. We are in a life and death business where mistakes or misjudgments can cause real harm, such as in the case of medical errors. Being an ethical practitioner is your responsibility. Some situat...
Professional Development Resources

Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that reviews the current literature on the medical, legal, educational, occupational, and ethical aspects of marijuana. In spite of the fact that more than half of the states in this country have enacted legislation legalizing marijuana in some fashion, the reality is that neither the intended “medical” benefits of marijuana nor its known (and as yet unknown) adverse effects have been adequately examined using con...
Professional Development Resources


Cyberbullying is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that reviews evidenced-based research for identification, management and prevention of cyberbullying in children, adolescents, and adults. Bullies have moved from the playground and workplace to the online world, where anonymity can facilitate bullying behavior. Cyberbullying is intentional, repeated harm to another person using communication technology. It is not accidental or random. It is targeted to a person with less...
Professional Development Resources

IEP Goals: S.M.A.R.T.E.R. STEPS® Guide

IEP Goals: S.M.A.R.T.E.R. STEPS® Guide is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides a framework for writing legally compliant IEP goals. Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings give parents and professionals a chance to work together to design an IEP for children with learning disabilities who have been determined eligible for special education. The goals for academic achievement and functional performance set for each child are the core of the IEP. Goals r...
Professional Development Resources

Effects of Digital Media on Adolescents

Effects of Digital Media on Adolescents is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that explores how the digital world is affecting teens of successive generations. It is becoming clear that the effects of the digital world are affecting each successive generation of teenagers in ways that are only now beginning to come into view. iGen’ers’ communication and behaviors differ from those that characterized the Baby Boomers, Millennials, and the XGen’ers. We now know that th...
Professional Development Resources

Eating Disorder Toolkit

Eating Disorder Toolkit is a 1-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides an overview of the current research regarding prevalence, treatment, and the role of the RDN in the care of eating disorders. Eating disorders (ED) are severe psychiatric disorders that are associated with increased levels of social, psychological, and physical impairment as well as high levels of morbidity and mortality. This toolkit will address the three main eating disorders as listed in the Di...
Professional Development Resources

Emotional Regulation: Teaching Children Calm

Emotional Regulation: Teaching Children Calm is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides strategies and techniques for helping children navigate their emotions. Emotional regulation is the ability to manage one’s emotions in order to respond appropriately to life’s inevitable ups and downs. It assists with competent decision-making, augments memory for critical events, and enables productive interpersonal relations. Inappropriate emotional responses are implica...
Professional Development Resources

Nurturing the Child with Special Needs

Nurturing the Child with Special Needs is a 4-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides strategies for healthcare professionals and parents to support children with special needs to manage behavior, sensory issues, and language challenges. All children need to feel a sense of belonging and significant in ways that elicit positive responses from those around them. Sometimes, a child with special needs can alienate others when attempting to have their unique requirements ...
Professional Development Resources

Personality and Temperament: Connecting with Young Clients

Personality and Temperament: Connecting with Young Clients is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that demonstrates how differences in personality and temperament impact children's behavior, and how adults communicate and connect with them. Understanding differences in temperament and personality among adults and children will ultimately assist us in developing better relationships with our clients and enhance therapy interventions, plans, and goals. Within the context of each ...
Professional Development Resources

Preventing Medical Errors in Dietetics Practice

Preventing Medical Errors in Nutrition & Dietetics is a 2-hour video continuing education (CE/CEU) recorded at the Annual Symposium of the Florida Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. It addresses the impact of medical errors on today’s healthcare with a focus on root cause analysis, error reduction and prevention, and patient safety in the practice of nutrition and dietetics. The impact of COVID-19, real life stories, national healthcare safety trends, reporting of sentinel events, complying...
Professional Development Resources

Childhood Obesity: The Clinician’s Toolbox

Childhood Obesity: Clinician’s Toolbox is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that explores the epidemic of childhood obesity by examining the effects of high-fat, high-sugar foods, artificial sweeteners, and food marketing on children. We will examine the ways in which these foods alter a child’s metabolism, setting them on a course of weight gain, metabolic inefficiency, and obesity. We will also review how obesity affects children’s self-perception and sense of ide...
Professional Development Resources

Preventing Medical Errors in Nutrition & Dietetics

Preventing Medical Errors in Nutrition & Dietetics is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that addresses the impact of medical errors on today’s healthcare with a focus on root cause analysis, error reduction and prevention, and patient safety in the practice of nutrition and dietetics. The course highlights the importance of critical thinking in assessment and planning and discusses health literacy, cultural competence, links between ethics and medical errors, centrality...
Professional Development Resources

Overcoming Compassion Fatigue: Creative Self-Care Strategies

Overcoming Compassion Fatigue: Creative Self-Care Strategies is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that examines how to identify and treat compassion fatigue. Loss is a recurring theme in our lives, often disguised as change, rejection, or tragedy. A caregiver is often affected directly by loss when overly engaged and immersed in the consistent demands of tending to those in distress. Some of the losses might include sleep, free time, independence, and social connections. Thes...
Professional Development Resources

HIV/AIDS: Adherence Issues

HIV/AIDS: Adherence Issues is a 1-hour online continuing education (CE) course that discusses adherence issues in populations at high risk for HIV infection. HIV and AIDS are medical terms that are linked together due to the progressive nature of HIV. When untreated or undertreated, HIV will become AIDS. The virus can affect people of all ages " children who are born to mothers who have HIV, adolescents, adults, and elders. People who are diagnosed with HIV can live almost normal lifes...
Professional Development Resources

The Impact of a Life of ADHD: Understanding for Clinicians and Clients

The Impact of a Life of ADHD: Understanding for Clinicians and Clients is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that highlights the ways in which ADHD impacts every aspect of a person’s functioning and discusses the importance of educating clients and normalizing their difficulties as an aid to the treatment process. This course is divided into two sections. Section 1 explores the direct affects and secondary outcomes of a lifetime of undiagnosed and untreated ADHD, followed by...
Professional Development Resources

Reporting Suspected Child Maltreatment: Legal and Ethical Issues

Reporting Suspected Child Maltreatment: Legal and Ethical Issues is a 2-hour video continuing education (CE) course that outlines the legal requirements for reporting suspected child neglect and child abuse. Many professionals throughout the United States are mandated reporters of suspected child maltreatment. However, the legal requirement to report is often confusing to navigate in relation to other professional and ethical responsibilities. This workshop provides profession-based context...
Professional Development Resources

The Nursing Home Resident: A Holistic Approach

The Nursing Home Resident: A Holistic Approach is a 1-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that thoughtfully examines the many considerations in providing care for older adults. As our population ages we need to create the appropriate environment in our long-term care facilities addressing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of each resident. Mental health professionals frequently provide treatment for nursing home residents and information for their famili...
Professional Development Resources

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