Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease " Understanding the Disease and Improving Treatment Adherence and Outcome

Target Audience This activity is designed to meet the educational needs of nephrologists, primary care providers, and providers who care for patients with kidney disease. Program Overview In the real-world setting, treatment adherence in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) can be a challenge. This CME program will discuss the diagnosis and management of ADPKD as well as strategies on improving treatment adherence. Patients’ perspectives on how to deal with...
P2P Syncro and Partners for Advancing Clinical Education.

Internal Medicine Comprehensive Review and Update 2025 - LIVE STREAMING

Comprehensive, Evidence-Based Updates for Internal Medicine and Its Subspecialties This program, the 65th annual Internal Medicine Update from the leading clinical faculty of Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, provides comprehensive, high-yield instruction to ensure clinicians are current with the latest evidence and best practices to optimize patient care. This program covers the breadth of Internal Medicine subspecialties, including: • Cardiovascular Medicine...
Harvard Medical School

Treating Obesity 2025: The Blackburn Course in Obesity Medicine - LIVE STREAMING

Education to Optimize Your Care of Adult, Adolescent, and Pediatric Patients with Obesity This highly rated Harvard Medical School CME course delivers practical strategies to optimize the management of obesity and its many complications, and provides the most up-to-date approaches to obesity prevention and treatment. Highlights of the 2025 program include: • Update on using the newer GLP-1 based therapies • Comprehensive evaluation of the patient with obesity • Precision medicin...
Harvard Medical School

Lifestyle Medicine: Tools for Promoting Healthy Change - LIVE STREAMING

State-of-the-Art Approaches to Help Patients Initiate and Sustain Health-Promoting Behaviors Lifestyle Medicine will be held online this year, using live streaming, electronic Q&A, and other remote learning technologies. Overview This immersive two-day course offers state-of-the-art strategies to guide patients to healthier lives. Education includes evidence-based strategies, tools and techniques to effect healthier changes in patients (and ourselves), including weight loss, exerci...
Harvard Medical School

Gastroenterology 2025 - LIVE STREAMING

The Comprehensive 2025 Gastroenterology Update This highly rated Harvard Medical School CME program ensures participants are current with state-of-the-art GI strategies and clinical practices. It covers recent advances and their impact on clinical approaches and on patient outcomes. Updates, best practices, and new guidelines are presented by nationally recognized GI experts and master clinicians. Practical, Results-Driven Education Highlights of the 2025 program include: • The new...
Harvard Medical School

Multidisciplinary Team Essentials on CMV Prevention, Surveillance, and Treatment Optimization in the Transplant Setting

The role of the multidisciplinary transplant team has expanded considerably over the past decade to keep pace with advances in the field and to address long-term care of transplant recipients. Despite these advances, breakthrough cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections and development of refractory and resistant CMV infections cause significant complications post-transplant. To lessen patient burden and improve survival outcomes, optimal introduction of anti-CMV drugs, both prophylactically and thera...

Refining Management of CMV After Transplant: Exploiting Recent Advances to Alleviate Patient Burden: A Care Team Forum®

Target Audience Transplant, infectious disease, internal medicine, nephrologists, primary care, pharmacy clinicians, advanced practice providers, and surgeons managing patients with CMV  Program Overview Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of the most common infectious complications in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. During this activity, the faculty will discuss best practices for prevention and treatment of CMV post-transplant and provide clinical pearls for managing difficult-to-tr...
RMEI Medical Education, LLC.

Cleveland Clinic 27th Annual Diabetes Therapeutics, Technology and Surgery (Online Streaming On Demand)

For over a quarter century, Cleveland Clinic has been at the forefront of continuing education regarding the treatment and management of diabetes. Its world class faculty has designed the 27th Annual Diabetes Therapeutics, Technology and Surgery to provide up-to-date reviews of strategies and research relevant to this disease and its complications. The goal of this activity is to increase practitioners’ competence and clinical performance in the management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. A...
Meetings By Mail®

Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound " Blended Course

The Blended Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound Course is designed to provide practical training for mastering peripheral nerve ultrasound and neuromuscular assessment. The Blended Education format provides flexibility while providing time and cost savings. Begin with the self-paced online course: Taught by leading peripheral nerve and musculoskeletal ultrasound experts, the online course incorporates a comprehensive review of the sonographic anatomy of upper and lower limb peripheral nerves and as...
Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute

Identifying Needs and Opportunities to Improve Clinical Outcomes in the Identification, Characterization, and Management of Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer

Target Audience This activity is designed to meet the educational needs of oncologists, obstetrician/gynecologists, gastroenterologists, and primary care physicians to ensure confidence in the diagnosis, characterization, and management of low-grade serous ovarian cancer, including through enrollment in ongoing clinical trials. Program Overview This enduring educational activity will provide insight into evidence-based approaches for clinical and pathological assessment of patients with d...
Med Learning Group

Diagnosis and Evidence-based Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations

Target Audience The primary target audience for this activity are Pulmonology clinicians (MDs/DOs/NPs/PAs) based in the U.S. Program Overview Many patients do not receive appropriate and timely treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) because of underdiagnoses, diagnostic delays, or misdiagnoses as other respiratory conditions such as asthma. An expert panel of pulmonologists will identify and address important gaps in the differential diagnosis and management of COPD. O...
Partners for Advancing Clinical Education (PACE) and PlatformQ Health Education, LLC, in collaboration with COPD Foundation and the Association of Pulmonary Advanced Practice Providers (APAPP).

Teaming Up to Treat Rett Syndrome: The Importance of Fostering a Multidisciplinary Approach to Patient Care

Target Audience The educational design of this activity addresses the needs of neurologists, pediatric neurologists and specialty NP/PAs involved in the treatment of patients with Rett syndrome. Program Overview With newer therapies now available for the treatment of Rett syndrome, it is essential that the challenges of managing patients with rare diseases, such as Rett syndrome in resource-poor areas or “care deserts” be addressed. Join a neurologist and a gastroenterologist from ...
Global Education Group and PlatformQ Health Education, LLC, in collaboration with the National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. (NORD) and International Rett Syndrome Foundation.

Psoriasis With Scalp Involvement in a Patient With Skin of Color

Target Audience This activity has been designed to address the educational needs of dermatologists, dermatology nurse practitioners, and PAs. It may also be of benefit to primary care clinicians, rheumatologists, and other healthcare practitioners who are interested in the treatment of psoriasis. Program Overview This case will discuss the treatment of psoriasis in patients with skin of color, highlighting the challenges of treating scalp psoriasis. The faculty will review the mechanism o...
Paradigm Medical Communications, LLC.

Comprehensive Management of Von Hippel-Lindau Disease: Genetic and Oncological Perspectives

STATEMENT OF NEED Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL) is an autosomal dominant disease in which germline pathogenic variants in the VHL gene predispose individuals to specific types of benign tumors, malignant tumors, and cysts in multiple organs, including clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC), renal cysts, central nervous system hemangioblastomas, retinal hemangioblastomas, pancreatic tumors and cysts, endolymphatic sac tumors, and cystadenomas of the epididymis and broad ligament (NIH, 2024). ...
i3 Health

Thyroid Eye Disease Mastery: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment

Thyroid eye disease (TED) is a multifactorial autoimmune disease with widely varied signs and symptoms. It is believed to result from the stimulation of several receptors located in the orbital fibroblasts and is usually associated with hyperthyroidism. However, 5% of patients with TED have hypothyroidism, and 5% have no sign of thyroid disease; thus, it is frequently misdiagnosed. Misdiagnosis can place patients at risk for disfigurement and permanent vision loss, because treatment is most ef...
This continuing education activity is provided by Vindico Medical Education.

Pediatric RSV Prophylaxis: An Evolving Landscape for Prevention " A Wheel of Knowledge Challenge!

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children younger than 1 year of age in the United States. Although certain infants and young children are at higher risk for severe illness due to premature birth or comorbid conditions, the majority of pediatric RSV hospitalizations occur in healthy infants. Emerging passive immunization options, which include nirsevimab and a maternal RSV vaccine, provide important new tools that offer RSV protection...
This continuing education activity is provided by Vindico Medical Education.

Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease: Implications for Early Detection and Treatment

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an irreversible, age-related neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a gradual decline in understanding, memory, and ability to perform activities of daily living. With the recent approval of novel AD treatments and the evolving therapeutic landscape, it is imperative for clinicians to stay informed on the current issues surrounding AD. This CE program "Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease: Implications for Early Detection and Treatment" aims t...
This continuing education activity is provided by Vindico Medical Education.

Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease: Implications for Early Detection and Treatment

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an irreversible, age-related neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a gradual decline in understanding, memory, and ability to perform activities of daily living. With the recent approval of novel AD treatments and the evolving therapeutic landscape, it is imperative for clinicians to stay informed on the current issues surrounding AD. This CE program "Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease: Implications for Early Detection and Treatment" aims t...
This continuing education activity is provided by Vindico Medical Education.

Psoriasis Prime Time: TYK Inhibition in Hard-to-Treat Psoriasis

Target Audience This activity has been designed to address the educational needs of dermatologists, dermatology nurse practitioners, and PAs. It may also be of benefit to primary care clinicians, rheumatologists, and other healthcare practitioners who are interested in the treatment of psoriasis. Program Overview In this edition of Psoriasis Prime Time, the faculty reviews the use of allosteric tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) inhibitors in the treatment of hard-to-treat psoriasis, including the ...
Paradigm Medical Communications, LLC.

Occurrence and Disease Course of RSV Illness in Adults

Target Audience This educational activity is intended for US-based healthcare professionals who care for older adults, including pulmonologists, geriatricians, and additional primary care providers (family physicians, internists, physician associates, nurse practitioners and other nursing professionals, and pharmacists). Program Overview Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a highly contagious seasonal lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) characterized by cough, runny nose, sneezing, ...
American Thoracic Society, American Academy of Physician Associates, and The France Foundation.

Can You Diagnose this Patient with Edema, Pain, Abdominal Swelling, and/or Fatigue?

When your patient presents with symptoms such as edema, fatigue, and abdominal pain, what might you first suspect and can you reach the right diagnosis? Put your diagnostic skills to the test! In just 15 minutes, navigate through real-world cases and upon completion, hear faculty insights on the implications of your decisions along with rationales for appropriate next steps to aid in making a final diagnosis, as well as evidence-based treatment strategies. Apply the latest scientific evidence ...

Addressing Underutilization of Cardioprotective GLP-1 RAs for T2D in Specialty Practice.

The complexity of patients with T2D combined with the overwhelming amount of outcomes data complicates the treatment decision matrix exponentially and clinical inertia persists. This self-paced, interactive education includes a learning assessment followed by customizable content repository designed to sharpen your ability to individualize therapeutic targets and glucose-lowering regimens based on multiple factors, including the presence of comorbidities, such as obesity or cardiovascular risk...

9th Annual Internal Medicine in Primary Care Conference

Prepare to embark on an extraordinary voyage of discovery and rejuvenation aboard the Celebrity Edge, where the 9th Annual Internal Medicine in Primary Care Conference awaits amidst the awe-inspiring landscapes of Alaska. From July 25 to August 1, 2025, immerse yourself in the natural splendor of the Inside Passage as you sail through pristine fjords, past towering glaciers, and alongside majestic wildlife. This unique cruise offers a perfect blend of educational enrichment and leisurely explo...
Continuing Education Company

How the Patient Experience Should Inform Treatment Selection: Reframing Expectations in EoE for HCPs and Patients

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) has been steadily increasing in prevalence and incidence over the past three decades. Today, EoE has evolved from a rare case-reportable condition to a disease that is commonly encountered in the clinic and endoscopy suite and is a major cause of upper gastrointestinal morbidity and increasing healthcare costs. Delays in diagnosis persist and management of the disease can be complex. While significant advances in the treatment of EoE have been made, studies s...

Artificial Intelligence in Radiology (Streaming Online & USB Drive)

Artificial Intelligence in Radiology will provide imagers of all experience levels with the introductory information and foundational skills necessary to thrive in a future impacted by AI integrated healthcare. Developed in collaboration with Artificial Intelligence Medical Education (AiME), this activity is designed to demonstrate AI’s radiology applications, its potential to enhance clinical practice and its limitations. As such, this practical and clinically relevant overview will detail...
Meetings By Mail®

Optimizing Early Nutrition for Long-Term Benefits

Sharon Donovan, PhD, RD, and Michael Georgieff, MD, review what is currently known about the influence of nutrition during the first 1,000 days of growth and development. Human milk"the model for optimal nutrition"is discussed, including its nutritive and nonnutritive components, how it functions as a dynamic biological system, and the latest breastfeeding guidelines. The implications of suboptimal early nutrition are addressed, along with the role of pediatric clinicians in providin...
Annenberg Center for Health Sciences

DETECT" Advances in the Delayed-Onset of Type 1 Diabetes: Strategies to Improve Awareness and Care for the Practicing Clinician

Target Audience This activity is designed to meet the educational needs of Pediatric Endocrinologists, Adult Endocrinologists, Pediatricians, Primary Care Providers (PCPs), and Endocrine Nurses. Program Overview This educational program focuses on the early screening, detection, and advances in the treatment of early-stage type 1 diabetes (T1D). Through this enduring Grand Rounds session, clinicians will be able to review the importance and benefits of early screening, how to screen &...
Med Learning Group.

A Primer on IgE-Mediated Food Allergies, With Drs. Kelly Cleary and Barbara Yawn

In this CE podcast, developed in collaboration with Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE), experts review the pathophysiological underpinnings of IgE-mediated food allergies and discuss the importance of shared decision-making and interdisciplinary approaches to optimize patient care.
This continuing education activity is provided by Vindico Medical Education.

Advances in the Management of IgE-Mediated Food Allergies, With Drs. Kelly Cleary and Robert Wood

In this podcast, expert clinicians will discuss the efficacy and safety of traditional and emerging treatments as well as evidence-based guidance for managing patients with immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated food allergies.
Vindico Medical Education

Beyond Avoidance: IgE-Mediated Food Allergies " Therapeutic Innovations to the Rescue

In the United States, food-induced allergic reactions are the leading cause of anaphylaxis in hospital emergency departments. Among these, immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated food allergies are the most common, and they pose significant risks, including cardiac arrest and respiratory failure. Traditionally, treatment options for IgE-mediated food allergies have been primarily limited to food avoidance and anaphylaxis prevention. However, recent years have brought the FDA approval of the first oral...
Vindico Medical Education

Establishing Frameworks for Precision Medicine in NTRK Fusion-Positive Advanced Solid Tumors

Despite significant advancements over the past decade, significant unmet needs persist for patients with NTRK-positive locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors. In addition, there is ongoing debate about the importance of testing for genomic alterations in rare cancers, or those that rarely occur in common cancers. However, evolving molecular testing procedures and emerging therapeutic options targeting NTRK fusions offer new pathways for the detection and treatment of these cancers. To he...

Are You Up to Speed? Test Your Knowledge on Pneumococcal Vaccination in Adults

Despite widespread availability of pneumococcal vaccines designed to reduce the risks for infection and invasive pneumococcal disease, coverage remains suboptimal among older adults and those with underlying medical conditions and risk factors. The development of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines offers new opportunities for improved protection against pneumococcal disease, but are you current with the latest evidence and guideline recommendations? If you're a puzzle enthusiast, dive into t...

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Introduction - Live Course

The Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Introduction Live Training Course provides participants a comprehensive introduction to musculoskeletal ultrasound. This course is taught by leading musculoskeletal ultrasound experts and incorporates comprehensive lectures with live scanning demonstrations on upper and lower extremity applications for diagnostic and ultrasound guided injection/aspiration techniques. Extensive hands-on scanning sessions feature a 3:1 participant to faculty ratio with live standa...
Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Introduction with Interventional Cadaver Lab - Live Course

The Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Introduction with Interventional Cadaver Lab Training Course provides participants a comprehensive introduction to musculoskeletal ultrasound. This course is taught by leading musculoskeletal ultrasound experts and incorporates comprehensive lectures covering anatomy, pathology, and ultrasound-guided injection/aspiration techniques. Live scanning demonstrations are included for each upper and lower extremity joint. Extensive hands-on scanning sessions feature...
Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute

Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Update

The Mid East Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging’s historic 50th Annual Conference presents nuclear medicine’s latest trends, advances and procedures. Adapted for the enduring material audience, Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Update features a dozen faculty members presenting this specialty’s impact on imaging, cardiology, neurology, endocrinology, oncology, rheumatology, pediatrics and much more. Practice enhancements and professional development w...
Meetings By Mail®

Management of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Stacey Cohen, MD, explores the significance of molecular profiling and tumor markers in personalizing immunotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer. She also delves into the evolving landscape of targeted therapies, discussing the nuances and considerations of different options to optimize patient outcomes.
Annenberg Center for Health Sciences at Eisenhower

Optimizing Cancer Screening With MCED Technologies: From Science to Practical Application - Module 1

STATEMENT OF NEED Approximately 2 million new cancer cases are expected in the United States in 2024, with an anticipated 611,720 deaths (ACS, 2024). Screening is associated with earlier stage at diagnosis and improved outcomes (Kim et al, 2011; Plumb et al, 2016). However, cancers that are not routinely screened for account for 78% of all cancer deaths in the United States, and even among cancers that do have standard tests, factors such as low awareness, lack of available facilities, and in...
i3 Health

Optimizing Cancer Screening With MCED Technologies: From Science to Practical Application - Module 2

STATEMENT OF NEED Approximately 2 million new cancer cases are expected in the United States in 2024, with an anticipated 611,720 deaths (ACS, 2024). Screening is associated with earlier stage at diagnosis and improved outcomes (Kim et al, 2011; Plumb et al, 2016). Multicancer early detection (MCED) is an emerging form of blood-based testing that utilizes cancer biomarkers in the blood to screen for multiple cancers simultaneously (ACS, 2024). Currently, numerous clinical trials are investiga...
i3 Health

Optimizing Cancer Screening With MCED Technologies: From Science to Practical Application - Module 3

STATEMENT OF NEED Approximately 2 million new cancer cases are expected in the United States in 2024, with an anticipated 611,720 deaths (ACS, 2024). Screening is associated with earlier stage at diagnosis and improved outcomes (Kim et al, 2011; Plumb et al, 2016). However, cancers that are not routinely screened for account for 78% of all cancer deaths in the United States (ACS, 2024; Pinsky & Berg, 2012; USPSTF, 2024). Multicancer early detection (MCED) is a novel form of blood-based ca...
i3 Health

Podcast - Optimizing Cancer Screening With MCED Technologies: From Science to Practical Application - Module 1

STATEMENT OF NEED Approximately 2 million new cancer cases are expected in the United States in 2024, with an anticipated 611,720 deaths (ACS, 2024). Screening is associated with earlier stage at diagnosis and improved outcomes (Kim et al, 2011; Plumb et al, 2016). However, cancers that are not routinely screened for account for 78% of all cancer deaths in the United States, and even among cancers that do have standard tests, factors such as low awareness, lack of available facilities, and in...
i3 Health

Podcast - Optimizing Cancer Screening With MCED Technologies: From Science to Practical Application - Module 2

STATEMENT OF NEED Approximately 2 million new cancer cases are expected in the United States in 2024, with an anticipated 611,720 deaths (ACS, 2024). Screening is associated with earlier stage at diagnosis and improved outcomes (Kim et al, 2011; Plumb et al, 2016). However, cancers that are not routinely screened for account for 78% of all cancer deaths in the United States, and even among cancers that do have standard tests, factors such as low awareness, lack of available facilities, and in...
i3 Health

Podcast - Optimizing Cancer Screening With MCED Technologies: From Science to Practical Application - Module 3

STATEMENT OF NEED Approximately 2 million new cancer cases are expected in the United States in 2024, with an anticipated 611,720 deaths (ACS, 2024). Screening is associated with earlier stage at diagnosis and improved outcomes (Kim et al, 2011; Plumb et al, 2016). However, cancers that are not routinely screened for account for 78% of all cancer deaths in the United States, and even among cancers that do have standard tests, factors such as low awareness, lack of available facilities, and in...
i3 Health

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Advanced Interventions & Regenerative Medicine - Live Course

The Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Advanced Interventions & Regenerative Medicine Training Course is taught by leading experts in the field of MSK ultrasound. This course takes your musculoskeletal ultrasound skills to the next level with a focus on advanced diagnostic and interventional skills including spine, peripheral nerve, tendinopathy and ultrasound-guided tenotomy. Regenerative medicine applications including prolotherapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), bone-marrow aspirate concentrate (...
Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute

Advances In the Delayed-Onset of Type 1 Diabetes: Strategies to Improve Awareness and Care for the Practicing Clinician - Part 3

Target Audience This activity is designed to meet the educational needs of Pediatric and Adult Endocrinologists, Pediatricians, Primary Care Providers, and Endocrine Nurses. Program Overview During this program, experts will present overviews of the importance of early screening and staging for type 1 diabetes (T1D), strategies and practical pearls for screening and follow-up, how to intervene early with disease-modifying therapies to delay progression to clinical T1D, as well as ongoing ...
Med Learning Group

Recognizing and Confirming Potential ATTR in Your Patients

Target Audience This activity is designed to meet the educational needs of physicians, allied health practitioners, and students interested in complex cardiovascular and thoracic conditions and those who care for patients with ATTR. Program Overview This activity will cover early diagnosis and intervention for transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR), which is critical, yet does not occur, typically as a consequence of the rarity and heterogeneity of the disease and limited awareness on the part ...
Relias LLC

Navigating the Evolving Standards of Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Treatment: Exploring the Evidence on New Combination Strategies

ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The goal of treatment for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM) patients is achieving the deepest possible remission, which typically involves aiming for minimal residual disease negativity. Frontline therapy for NDMM is evolving to include novel induction regimens with anti-CD38 antibodies, which have been shown to yield improved depth of response after induction. These new frontline treatments vary in induction regimen composition and use of transplant, consolidation,...
University of Cincinnati and RedMedEd

Improving the Diagnosis and Management of Pulmonary Progressive Fibrosis (PPF): A Focus on Systemic Sclerosis Interstitial Lung Disease (SSc-ILD) and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)

Target Audience This activity is designed to meet the educational needs of rheumatologists, pulmonologists, and advanced practice providers. Program Overview This activity features an interactive case-based format where you can review questions to determine best practices in diagnosing and managing PPF, SSc-ILD, and IPF. This session offers real-life examples to help differentiate diseases within the Pulmonary Progressive Fibrosis (PPF) group, such as Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) a...
Relias LLC

Clinical Competence in Cardiac CT Compendium

Supplemented with all new presentation content and worth up to 60.5 AMA PRA Category I Credits™, the Clinical Competence in Cardiac CT Compendium will help meet credentialing and/or maintenance requirements for Cardiac CT. Each case features a simulated workstation, with hundreds of datasets of fully navigable imagines, supplement diagnostic materials and detailed description of findings by expert faculty. The cases present a wide variety of cardiovascular pathology, including the assessme...
Meetings By Mail®

Bunion-Like Toes and Tumor Like Swellings " Recognize FOP and Improve Patient Outcomes in the Era of Disease Specific Therapy

Target Audience This activity is designed to meet the educational needs of healthcare providers in pediatrics, primary care, oncology, surgery, radiology, acute care, emergency medicine, rheumatology, and infectious disease. Program Overview Bunion-like toes present at birth and tumor-like swellings in a young child are diagnostic signs of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive (FOP), a disease with recent advances made in therapy. Upon completion of the course, learners should be able to ...
P2P Syncro and Partners for Advancing Clinical Education.

Podcast: Multidisciplinary Task Force and Position Statement: Mitigating Disease Burden and Health Care Disparities in Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma

STATEMENT OF NEED With the complex and rapidly evolving treatment landscape of multiple myeloma, it is vital that clinicians not only understand factors for informing selection of current and emerging combination and sequential therapeutic strategies, but also employ interdisciplinary strategies for reducing disparities in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma care. The development of novel therapeutic options has significantly improved treatment outcomes for patients with relapsed/refractor...
i3 Health

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